

Please notify as soon as you receive notice of an award. If a contract or agreement is sent directly to you, please do not sign but forward to

A coordinator will prepare internal routing paperwork and the Director will review the contract before obtaining official signatures.


To initiate a subcontract, also please notify with as much information as you have. We will prepare the subcontract and obtain signatures.

Contract image

Non-Competitive Justification (NCJ)

The UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs will prepare NCJ’s for subcontractors named in funded proposals. All other NCJ’s should be prepared by department accounting personnel.


Please see UTIA Sponsored Programs Forms page for forms (standard contracts, material transfer agreement questionnaires, and confidentiality agreements).

Seed Agreements

Pioneer Hi-Bred

Product Transfer and Evaluation Agreement for University Performance/Research Trials (2013-2018)
2014 Seed and Technology Use Agreement
2014 Seed and Technology Use Agreement (covers RR2Y)