We provide all pre-award services to all of the UT Institute of Agriculture, including AgResearch, UT Extension, the Herbert College of Agriculture, and the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) facilitates research, extension, and education activities by supporting faculty and staff in their pursuit of external funding. We provide specialized, high-quality service in all aspects of proposal development and award negotiations for federal, state, and private funding. OSP helps ensure compliance with internal and external requirements within an atmosphere of professionalism and collaboration.

Visitors Engaged in Research
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Standard UTIA Information
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Hanover Research
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Policies and Procedures
Expand content upPolicies and procedures associated with UTIA Sponsored Programs

Uniform Guidance
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General Contact Information:
UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs
2621 Morgan Circle
225 Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-4514
Phone: 865-974-7357
Fax: 865-974-7451
E-Mail: aggrant@utk.edu or extensiongrants@utk.edu
Invoicing or Other Post-Award Issues: agspa@utk.edu
Minimum Lead Times for Proposal Notification to OSP
Don't miss our OSP Special Addition Newsletter on new 2021 research development services now available to UTIA Faculty